Going, going, almost gone

The home is awhirl in last minute packing. Spencer’s new Thomas backpack is filled with new books and games that will hopefully entertain him during flight tomorrow. My special treat is that I’ve decided to turn off my Blackberry for the trip and disconnect myself at least for the first few days of our trip.Tomorrow we fly to Seattle where we’ll stay and explore until Friday, when we’re off on an early train to spend a few days in Vancouver. Pacific Northwest – here we come!


When hubby and I were early in our relationship, we hit a little bit of a slump. We were bored, so we made a pact to each try something new every week. We could try the new thing together or alone. I tried sushi for the first time. And went belly dancing. He went skydiving and to a yoga class. At some point, we lost focus, stopped actively trying new things, but I think it might be time to revive the tradition.

Things I would like to try:
– Visit the Bronx Zoo
– Do Pilates on a machine
– Knit something
– Cook duck
– Get accupuncture
– Go sailing

What would you try?

Unclogging the brain drain

My blogging brain is blocked again. This usually happens when I spend too much time – at least emotionally and mentally – on everything in life except myself. So, I'm gonna force myself to write for a few days. Harking back to writing classes (oh how long ago), I'm going to do some lists to get the thoughts jumping.

10 Good Things About This Weekend with Exclamations!
1. TV with sound. Go Dr. TV!
2. I went to the gym. Go me!
3. I held a 1-month old baby. So cute!
4. Anniversary dinner with my hubby. Go us!
5. Read a book cover to cover in 2 nights. So sleepy!
6. I started getting excited for vacation. Seattle & Vancouver we'll see you shortly!
7. Spencer stopped and touched every bike, fire hydrant, parking meter, and tree when we went out for walks. So inquisitive!
8. I caught up on episodes of Flipping Out. So ridiculously good!
9. I drove by beautiful houses and imagined my life in them. So close!
10. I found a bag of "skinny" clothes in the basement that I'd forgotten about and some actually fit me! Motivation!


This week I've realized how much I rely on television. I miss it. The house is eerily silent at night without it. I don't really know how to decompress from my workday without it.

I've tried watching it with closed captions. Too much effort involved and not relaxing in the least. I've tried watching TV shows on my laptop. Feels wrong, plus I get distracted by its proximity to my work email.

It feels a little shameful trying this hard to get back the television. It's only been one week without its voice. I should embrace this time to get things done. I could be doing lofty, intellectual things like reading The Fountainhead finally. Or something crafty like organizing all those photos into an album. Or something healthy like exercising. But, no, I just want the mind numbing satisfaction of the ol' telly.

Tomorrow the TV Doctor is coming. (Yes, that's really the company's name). Hopefully doc will have a prescription for my pain.

Things Fall Apart

Our home is falling apart. Okay, so I exaggerate. But, it feels like it.

We are ready to move. The mortgage application is in progress. We've picked our neighborhood and we're just waiting for the right house to come on the market. But, while we wait (impatiently in my case), it feels like our home is falling apart.

There are some actual serious issues like the floor pretty much falling apart under our feet. And less serious issues like a shower door that keeps falling off the track.

And then there are issues with the things that reside within our humble abode. It's totally irrational to blame the place for these failures, yet I do. The battery has died on my laptop, so it only works when plugged in and if you happen to jostle the cord, you lose power and whatever you're working on is lost. Oh, and this happens all the time because the plugs don't fit tightly into the outlets – another issue with this place. Grrrr.

This weekend our TV stopped producing sound. We watched golf, Denise Richards:It's complicated, and Thomas the Tank Engine with subtitles. Of the three, I'd only recommend Denise Richards – the dialog is actually quite priceless when you're forced to concentrate on it. Grrr.

Not to group Spencer with things like laptops and TVs, but he's broken too. Pukey pukes all night last night. Usually when he's sick we cuddle on the couch and watch cartoons to take his mind off being sick. But, last night when we watched Little Bear, I had to play the part of narrator and read the closed captions out loud. (Sidenote – who writes these captions and do they speak English? They are HORRIBLE.) But, since I had to read, I couldn't close my eyes and catch a little rest. Grrr.

Maybe I'm fickle. But when I know I'm getting something new, whether small like new pair of glasses or much bigger like a home, I pretty much instantly loathe the old object. Even if it's served me well and done its job. Maybe this is karma getting back at me for my disrespect of my apartment. Whatever it is, I just hope we move soon!

Fun Times




Back from a fun weekend at the beach. We got to escape the hot, hot city and spend some family time out in Montauk (which is the last town on Long Island for you non-NYers.) Last year we spent a lot of time in our room watching Spencer roll around. This year we spent pretty much every minute chasing Spencer. The only time he stopped moving was on the beach – he didn't quite know what to make of the sand and refused to walk in it. So, we spent some time sitting together on the beach chair pouring sand on our legs.

Montauk is one of those places, like Brooklyn and London, where I feel at home. It's a special place for us because my husband spent his summers there growing up and it's so fun to watch him take Spencer to the places he went as a kid. And pre-Spencer, it had meaning for us, too – the first "mini-break" we took together when we began dating was to Montauk. It also happened to be the weekend after 9/11 – we debated whether we should still go or if we should stay in the city – we decided to go and it provided us the opportunity to exhale which we badly needed. And I'm sure helped to forge the emotional bond I now have with the area.

While I guess it's considered part of the Hamptons, it has a really laid-back vibe with working class roots that make it feel different from other Hampton towns. You can watch the commercial fishing boats come in while you eat lobsters with tourist-friendly birds eyeing your scraps. You can wear hoodies and jeans and fit right in. But, like everything it's changing. There are now 2 boutique hotels to go with the motels.Yet, I have hope that it will keep the underlying feeling that makes it special.




Watch out world

I'm having one of those high-efficiency weeks. Personally and professionally I am getting it done. Yesterday before 9am I had gone to the courthouse to (successfully) get out of jury duty, dropped my jeans off to get shortened at the dry cleaners, and caught up on my work email. This morning before work I cleaned out my closet – purging my too big clothes to make room for my new smaller duds. Tonight, I put Spence to bed, did some work, and wrapped a gift* for the birthday party he's attending tomorrow. It feels good. I'm not sure where the energy is coming from, but I'm guessing it has something to do with Spencer sleeping again. Oh, and the fact that we're going to the beach this weekend for a little mini-break. (Sweet, sweet vacation how I love thee!)

* Does anyone else regift for kids' birthday parties? It feels a little e-v-i-l, but I have this stash of things I never gave to Spencer because he already has SO much STUFF. So, I just wrap it and give it out as birthday gifts. I'm not the only one… right?


Nanny : "Oh Spencer, your dad is spoiling you buying you these new motorcycles and trucks."
Spencer : "No, mama"


(Except I would like to clarify that I did not BUY him these toys. I simply opened the boxes that had been hidden under his crib since last Christmas.)