Dear Owen: Month 4

Dear Owen –

It's funny to address a letter to "Owen". You probably won't know your name is Owen since we never call you that. It's always O-ster or Owie or Osterhouse. It wasn't intentional and I hope you don't hate us when people are calling you Owie in 3rd grade, but we just can't stop ourselves. 

Owen_close You've really just been hanging out this month. Giggling and smiling the days away. Nothing really seems to bother you. This morning your brother and I were playing Wonder Pets – you were the pet in trouble and we rescued you (over and over and over again) from the sticky sap. You were a trooper through the whole thing.

Physically you're not slowing down with your growth. You're now 17 pounds, 10 ounces and 26 inches long. You're at the 97th percentile for both height and weight. I'm actually surprised that to hear that 3% of babies are bigger than you are. 

Owen_close2 I'm sad to say that for the fourth straight month I have to report that you are not a great sleeper. Up four times last night. On a positive note, we have moved you out of our bed and you're now sleeping in the pack 'n play in the living room. It's progress I guess. But, I'm soooo tired. What I wouldn't give for you to sleep through the night. The doctor recommended we try sleep training at this point. I'm almost ready to do it. Sorry in advance, bud. Tough love. But, happier mama.

Speaking of mama, I'm still dealing with the aftermath of birthing you. Pushing out an 11-pound baby was nothing compared the physical recovery from carrying you both in my belly and now. I went to the doctor today to get some help putting my abdominal muscles back together (literally) and getting my back strong enough to carry you around. I start physical therapy next week. You are worth it, but I shall always have this to hold over your head. You'd better be kind to your mama, little guy.

This month I'm looking forward to your first Halloween. You're going to be an adorable football at your brother's big costume/Halloween/birthday extravaganza. I'm going to be a referee – a role I'm destined to play for years to come.

Love you so much big guy!
