Upgrading the baby gear – what’s next?

I feel like it’s time to get some new gear for Spencey Spence. I want to keep the gear to a minimum since we’re living in about 800 square feet (and I’m already tripping over baby stuff), so I don’t want to impulse purchase something that will sit around and not get used. But, since he’s getting more active I would like to get him something that allows more movement. (I’m ready for some new toys too.)

Wanted: Something I can put Spencer in while I shower, cook dinner, etc. Currently he sits in his Baby Papasan vibrating chair, but I don’t think he’s going to settle for something so gentle and passive much longer. We have the Bumbo seat, but it’s hard for him to do much other than just sit while he’s in that – there are no toys or anything to occupy him. I’m considering an exersaucer. Or maybe a doorway jumper? Any thoughts on these or have any other suggestions?

Also wanted: A carrier that will allow me to carry a 15-pound (and growing!) baby comfortably. The Baby Bjorn is killing my back and shoulders now if I wear it for any more than 20-30 minutes. I really enjoy wearing him instead of pushing the stroller when we go run errands and such, but I need something more supportive. I’m considering the Ergo. Any thoughts on the Ergo or have any other suggestions?

State of the union: 3 months!

Three months ago tonight we were in the hospital. I was in bed recovering while my new baby screamed and screamed. We didn’t know what to do and were freaked out as new parents, so we called the nurse and she took him to the nursery. A few hours later she brought him back and said they had called the pediatrician in because they couldn’t get him to calm down in the nursery. The doctor’s diagnosis: Spencer was just angry about something.

The state of the union three months later – I’m recovering from a root canal I had earlier today which was perhaps more traumatic for me than giving birth, but without the payoff. Spencer is talking/screaming/crying tonight when he’s not eating his hand. We’re not quite as freaked out by the screams, but we sometimes don’t know any more than that doctor what he’s trying to tell us. We just wish we had one of those buzzers to call a nurse to help us so we could get some sleep. (Wouldn’t that be lovely?)

Though our baby is of course perfect in every way, he does have a very delicate belly which I have set off by something I’ve been eating. Our relative calm (and to some degree our confidence) has been shattered as we deal with reflux issues that we thought had been solved weeks ago.  One thing we’ve learned is that as parents you can never claim to have figured something out – because that’s just when things are going to change.

This is the start of my third week back at work. It’s gone smoothly so far, but my life feels like a delicately balanced juggling act like could tilt dangerously to either side at any moment. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. I usually leave work in a hurry to get home before the nanny leaves with things unfinished that I would have liked to do. When I get home, there’s no such thing as doing work once the baby is in bed because once he finally decides to sleep,  it’s in my arms, so we must go to sleep together (which is probably a good thing for me).

But, now to the good stuff. Life with Spencer gets better each day even in spite of the current trying times. I can’t even describe how good it feels to see him smile when he hears my voice. He can be mid-cry and see me or hear me and show me a big gummy smile. And I can only hope he can feel and understand even half how much his dad and I love him. Because that’s a whole lotta love. 

Eggs-celent timing

Spencer is 3 months old today! And I’m going to celebrate by going to get a root canal! Whooo hooo! Party time!

He also kept me up all night last night just like in the old days. I’m pretty sure he’s still having a reaction to something I’ve been eating. I just read a bit about egg allergies and I’m guessing that might be what it is. Of course, I had an omelette yesterday. I’m going cold turkey on the eggs starting now and I hope to see an improvement in him soon!

Happy uplifting 3-month celebration post after I get back from the dentist…

Can’t a girl have ANY fun?

Warning – Poop talk ahead.

Since last Thursday, Spencer has been pooping A LOT. He used to poop once or twice a week. Now he’s pooping multiple times a day. He’s also crying at night like he used before the no dairy diet. It seems pretty obvious now that something is upsetting his stomach.

So, I’ve been forced to look at my own diet and see what I might be doing that is affecting him. I can only think of two things that have changed since I went back to work.

1. Eggs for breakfast — I don’t have time to eat breakfast at home in the morning so I’ve been stopping in a deli and getting 2 eggs on whole wheat toast every morning for breakfast before work. It’s a lot more eggs than I’m used to eating. Plus, maybe they are cooking them on a grill with butter or something?

2. Caffeine — I’ve been drinking more coffee than normal because I’ve been so tired. Spencer never seemed to have any issue with my caffeine intake but maybe an extra cup a day crosses the threshold of what he can handle.

Soooooo, I guess I need to try eliminating eggs and caffeine to see if he improves. Yes, this is what I should do. But I DON’T WANT TO!  Isn’t it enough that I gave up all the yummy milk products? Why, why, why. I wish I could share breastfeeding duties with Ian so we could take turns having a normal diet!

I’m going to eat a whole bakery when I stop breastfeeding! And wash it down with gallons of coffee!

44 minutes…

…until my first full week of work is over. HALLELUJAH!!!!

I’m so tired. Not that tomorrow will be any easier. But, I’ll be home. And I might get to take a nap. And I get to play with Spencer. And I don’t have to pump. And nobody will drink my soy milk and leave me with none for my coffee (Damn co-workers – I bought that milk for ME! Me who needs the caffeine.) And I can wear my pajamas all day. And I don’t have to pretend to have all the answers.

40 minutes now. YAY!

Spencer’s newest crush

My baby has a new love… his left hand. First he stares at his
palm, then slowly rotates it to see the other side. Then comes the fist
– open, close, open, close. Enough already with just looking – let’s
see how this thing tastes — insert hand in mouth. Slurp, slurp.
Drool, drool.

The funny thing is that I’m not sure if he’s
more fascinated with his hand or his parents are more fascinated with
his fascination with his hand. We watched him for way longer than I’m
willing to admit last night. But, it really was interesting – he showed
an awareness of himself that he’s never shown before. It was really
cute at 9pm last night. Getting woken up by the slurps at 4am this
morning — mmm, not quite as cute.

He doesn’t pay any attention
to his other hand. I wonder if he’s going to be left-handed or when the
dominant hand is established?

We be pumping

For the record it feels awfully strange to bare my breasts at work even if it’s in the privacy of my office. It also feels weird to send emails or IMs when I’m pumping – as if the person at the other end will somehow be able to sense I was milking myself when I wrote it. So instead I will update my blog and forgo work for the next 20 minutes.

The first day back went well. A few tears were shed when I said good-bye to Spence, but the day went quickly. And it was nice to be able to drink my coffee without it getting cold. And to use the other parts of my brain. Here’s a little secret – Work is WAY easier than caring for a baby. I’m sure it’s because I’ve done my job a lot longer than I’ve been a mother, but it definitely takes less effort for me right now.

Nope, no anxiety here

This afternoon I’ve cleaned every room in the apartment, done 3 loads of laundry, packed my bag for work, given Spencer a bath, cleaned and sterilized all his bottles and eaten an entire loaf of (dairy-free) pound cake. Phew, good thing I’m not anxious about going back to work tomorrow or anything…