Double the blessings

Today I have many reasons to be thankful and count my blessings, including the fact that I'm eating for two today. (Hide the stuffing – I'm coming to get it!). 

I'm just starting my twelfth week of pregnancy and feeling lousy. But, I know lousy is a good sign in these circumstances so I'm trying not to be a baby about it. I feel much worse than I did with Spencer. At this same week in his pregnancy I was in Japan, out all day sightseeing, eating exotic foods. There is no way I could do that right now this time. I can barely make it through the day sometimes. But, I know I probably have two more weeks of this tops, so I'm trying to not focus all my energy on thinking about it. 

I had an ultrasound yesterday and go to see the little guy. (I'm going to refer to the baby in the male form though I have no idea if it's a boy or girl.) He was dancing all around. At this point, he still looks more like ET than a human with his big head and little body. But, it was great to see everything and know things are progressing on track. 

Spencer doesn't really understand though he knows he has to be gentle with my belly because there's a baby in there. He'll point to my belly and say "baby – be nice". Then, two minutes later he'll tackle me. 

I have much to be thankful for this year including everyone who's read my blog and offered me advice and friendship throughout the year. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving.


A Belated Boo

Hi. Still here. Just not writing much these days. I'll explain soon.

In the meantime, here are some much belated, but no less cute, Halloween photos. Spence and I were kitty cats though he wasn't much into wearing his ears, so he could have been any furry creature with ears.



Our Friday afternoon playgroup. Thanks, Holly, for these great photos.