I’m going to burn this dress

Last night "I'm going to burn this dress" was the thought circling through my brain as I stood up a little straighter and tried to think of any other reason why the woman on the subway had just offered me her seat. But, there is only one possible explanation – she thought I was pregnant.

I didn't take the seat, but as my husband quickly pointed out when I told him the story, I should have. If you're going to be offended and embarrassed, at least get a seat out of it. But, I didn't, I just stood and stewed and tried to come up with an alternate explanation.

If this had happened a month postpartum or even two, I would understand, but the thing is that I don't look pregnant now. I have a belly that I'm wishing away (yea, how's that working?), but it's not a pregnant belly, more like a squishy "I love food" belly. I've lost all but about 15 of the 60+ pounds I gained during the pregnancy so I've actually been feeling pretty good about the whole belly situation.

So, I return to the dress and place all blame squarely on its shoulders. Empire waistlines are NEVER a good idea. Burn the dress.

Dear Owen: Month 3

Dear O-ster,

This month you were really on a roll. Ok, so that was a horrible attempt at a pun. But, you did roll A LOT. You can roll front-to-back and back-to-front, so my days of leaving you alone on the couch are numbered. When you weren't rolling, you were moving. You really never stop moving. We have to swaddle you at night in order for any of us to get any rest. When your dad starts to wrap you up, you usually get a big smile on your face, like you're thanking him for giving you a reason to slow down.


I hate to bring it up again, but this whole sleep thing continues to be our big issue. Last night you slept for 3 hours in your pack-n-play, then 3 hours in bed with me, then we had 2 more hours of restless on-again, off-again sleep. The books all say you should be able to sleep 5-6 hours at a stretch by now. I know you can't read, so you'll have to trust me on this one. Let's give that 6 hour goal a try – eh?

Spencer is trying really hard to be a good big brother, but sometimes his jealousy gets the best of him. Like every time we try to get you to nap. He likes to yell in your face and scare you awake. Someday, when you're bigger, you can get your revenge while I look the other way. In the meantime, I will continue to try to reason with him that he should WANT you to sleep because it means he gets all the attention while you're snoozing. But, so far, this logic hasn't quite clicked in his 2 (almost 3) year old brain.

I'm back at work and missing you, but enjoying using my brain again. I only wish the days were a tad bit longer so I could fit in more time with you. You're growing up so fast. It's a cliche, but it's so true. Every day you just get a little bit bigger, a little more playful, a little more alert, a little more mobile, and little more loveable.

Love you big guy,