Dear Owen: Month Two

Smiles! Laughs! Month two brings these rewards to me. It's so gratifying to see your reactions this month.

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And what did you have to smile about?

Well, there was the week at the beach with your grandma and auntie Erin. In the mornings, you slept in a tent or in the Bjorn while your brother played in the sand next to you. In the afternoons you'd sleep off the sun-induced drowsiness by napping on grandma.


Speaking of sleep, you still very much enjoy napping. Some days I feel like you sleep the entire day away. But, there's a catch… You only like to sleep in our arms or in the carrier. Occasionally I get a little time when you nap in the stroller or rarely (VERY rarely) in the crib. It means the house is a mess and I haven't gotten to do any projects I'd hoped to do on maternity leave, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. You're so warm and cuddly and I love the peaceful sleep you get in my arms. But, nights are becoming an issue – we're attached even at night and while you seem to sleep really well in bed with me… I'm not getting all that much sleep between all the kicks and jabs you send my way.

It's been a sweltering August, but I don't want the month to end. The end of the month means the end of my time home with you. It hasn't always been smooth, but I will cherish having the time home with you and your brother. I've tried to spend quality time with both of you and while I know you won't remember it, I hope somehow it will help you grow up feeling loved and secure. 

Love you buddy!

Only so much you can write…

… with one working hand and a sleeping baby in your arms.

I have my left hand in a brace due to tendonitis in my wrist and thumb from nursing O'ster. And O loves to sleep but only in a human's arms. Thus, while I may have time to blog, I do not have the necessary appendages to do so.

A few highlights though:

* Week at the beach = FUN, sun, good times esp for Spencer who loved the beach, amusement park, and water park.


* Owen is now 14 pounds, 2 ounces (!). He's grow, grow, growing. And smiling. He's a sweetie.

* We went to a urologist who specializes in O's kidney condition. The plan is to keep him on antibiotics and do ultrasounds every 6 months to check on things. As long as he doesn't have any breakthrough infections, we won't talk about surgery until he's 2.

* Spencer will only wear sports shirts. I have to wash his Jets and Steelers jerseys every day so he has something to wear.

* We started potty training. Some days it goes well. Other days I clean a lot of messes. I just got done cleaning pee off the wall from a well-intentioned, but poorly aimed potty attempt.

* It's Friday which means I survived my first week home alone with both kids. (Nanny is on vaca.) Anyone up for a margarita happy hour tonight?
