The waiting is the painful part

Imagine a long weekend where you're constantly being told – go lie down. Don't clean that. Can I get you anything?

If this were happening at  5-star hotel while on vacation, I'd be writing a rave review of the fabulous, relaxing time I had.

But, no, this is baby watch 09 and the physical and emotional stress outweigh any perceived benefit of being waited on by my dear hubby (who totally deserves some kind of reward).

Friday afternoon, I spent an enjoyable, but uncomfortable 3 hours at a playdate with Spencer. I knew I probably shouldn't be sitting on the low bench with no back support, but I was too much of a wuss to ask for a proper chair. When I got up for my last bathroom break before heading home, I felt a piercing pain in my back and I've been basically confined to my house (and bed) since then.

I've had more contractions, but nothing is building up. It's frustrating and disheartening and I have moments of despair where I think the baby will never come out. Then I go eat some cookies and medicate myself.

On a pain scale, my back fluctuates from a  6 or 7, when I sit perfectly still to a 10 when I attempt going up or down steps. I had a midwife visit today and she is cheering for me to go into labor any time (despite delivering 3 babies this weekend!). She estimates the baby is 7.5- 8 pounds and can come out at any time now. So, I'm heading to my first ever chiropractic appointment in an hour to try to help the back pain and get me ready for the big event. Come on baby!

Contracting and Relaxing

I'm not very good at relaxing. Downright horrible at it, but I'm trying my best. I had contractions Thursday afternoon (while taking the afternoon off work and watching Star Trek – future JJ Abrams fan?)  and then again last night. My midwife wants me to make it to 37 weeks, so for the next few days I'm supposed to rest and stay well hydrated.

It's hard though! The baby could be here very soon and I'm supposed to not try to cram the 100 things in that I want to do first? It's all dumb, nesting related things that really don't NEED to be done, but try telling that to my crazy hormone-riddled brain right now that the laundry doesn't need to be put away NOW.

This pregnancy does seem to be following the same end-trajectory as it did with Spencer, just a week earlier than with him. Three weeks ago at my last midwife appointment I was measuring normally and then yesterday I was measuring big. She estimates the baby is at least 6.5 pounds so it would be ok to deliver now if it were to happen. It's just recommended to get to 37 weeks if possible. So, that's what we're doing.

I'm kind of, sort of ready. I think. I wouldn't mind having at least 1 more day at work to tie up some loose ends.  Our yard is supposed to be excavated this week to remove the lead, so I'd like to avoid laboring while they're carrying dirt through our apartment. But, it's not my choice, so I'll just try to be chill and keep drinking my water. And then peeing every 5 minutes as a result.

The belly this week:


36 weeks: The Home Stretch

(pun totally intended)

We've reached the end of the line folks and I can't wait to get off the pregnancy train. The last week has tested me mentally and physically. Allow me to elaborate…

Have you ever had one of those weeks where nothing earth shattering happens, but all the little stuff just piles up and piles up until you don't know if you can take it any more? Things like finding out your backyard has "very high" lead levels and you need to excavate before you can have your first BBQ, being forced to restructure your entire team at work in a week, having your computer's hard drive die (again!), and losing all the water pressure in your shower. All while you're dealing with physical ailments like a stabbing pain in your tailbone, a stabbing pain in your left calf, acid reflux, blackheads all over your forehead, and swollen appendages.

It's been that kind of week. I'm looking at it like some kind of test to make sure I'm ready to handle a newborn. Get through all this crap so I can really enjoy my new baby.

I'm ready, though given the events in our apartment this week, it's possible I'll be giving birth amidst plumbers and landscapers. The birthing pool had a trial run this weekend. We know how to blow it up, the hose reaches, the pool drains… All systems go.

Spencer seems ready. He tells me he wants to be a big brother and he tries to pull the baby out of my belly. I suspect part of his enthusiasm comes from the fact that we told him the baby was bringing him a gift, but whatever it takes… Won't be the first or the last bribe I offer as a parent.

So, now we wait. Any guesses on when this baby boy will make his appearance and how big he'll be? Leave me a comment!

34 weeks : Forced Optimism

It's incredibly easy these days to wallow in my pregnant misery. Easier than many things like:
* Putting my shoes on
* Finding shirts that cover my belly
* Walking to the subway

But, I'm going to focus for a few moments on good thoughts. Things to appreciate these last few weeks.
* I want to spoil Spencer. Give him a few more weeks of my undivided attention and love. I know the love won't diminish when the new baby comes, but it's going to be different for all of us. And I want to appreciate the great thing we have while we have it.
* I've only got a few more weeks to be pregnant in my life. And as much as it kinda sucks, it's also totally super amazing. I want to try to appreciate the kicks inside me and the way my body has grown to support this baby.
* As much sleep as I'm not getting these days, I know it's just going to get worse. So I'm going to try to appreciate the precious few house I do get.

I'm actually excited for the birth and not just because it means I won't be pregnant anymore. This weekend I plan to get all the birth supplies organized, do a test run with the birth pool, and just wait for the big event. I want to just let my body do what it needs to do.