My First Parent Teacher Conference

Here's how our parent teacher conference went down yesterday…

 The setting: A preschool classroom. Spencer's 3 teachers sitting on one side. Two empty chairs for us on the other side. A box of tissues on the table.

Lead teacher: Spencer likes to play cars and dress-up. He's often in the kitchen, wearing a hat, playing with his pals Theo and Max and Beckett.

I think: Wow, how progressive. The boys are the ones cooking.

Lead teacher: He shares well, listens well, and seems to like school a lot. 

I think: Thatta boy

Ian makes a joke about the box of tissues in front of us.

Laughter all around.

The End

I can only dream that all future meetings with his teachers will be as easy as this one! 


Dear Owen: Month 7

Hey little dude. My update's a little late this month, but for good reason. We were lying on the beach, listening to the waves, basking in the sun shade of an umbrella on St Martin when you turned 7 months old. You're always easy, but were especially good on the trip. On the way home, the airport lost power and we were stuck in a loooooong line and you just smiled your way through the line, igniting smiles on the faces of our fellow weary travelers as  we all snaked through the security lines.

IMG_4066 I'm going to designate this the "almost" month. You're on the cusp of crawling and you totally know it. You get up on all fours and rock and rock, but haven't quite figured out how to get forward momentum.

You're almost sleeping consistently through the night. I feel like we have more good nights than bad. We haven't done any kind of sleep training and I'm not sure we'll need to. You fall asleep on your own fine. When you wake up during the night, I truly believe you're hungry despite the parenting books saying you're not supposed to be. But, then again, you are in the 99th percentile of height and weight, and may not be exactly typical in your food needs. 

You and your brother are getting to be buddies. He likes to play with you and sometimes gets jealous when you play with toys. I can tell you guys are going to be really close as you grow old.

Our big challenge this month is to move you into the bedroom you're supposed to be sharing with your brother. Enough of the pack ' play in the living room. (Hallelujah!) You guys need to find a way to sleep together and not continually wake each other up.

Love you! I have a feeling I'll be chasing you around the apartment before I make my next update!
