Happy 1st Birthday, Owen!

Happy Birthday to my jolly giant! 


You've brightened our lives with your big smiles and happy disposition for the past year.You've grown into a little boy with a big personality and an even bigger appetite.
You're so adventurous – never afraid to try things. We've learned how easy we had it with your more cautious older brother. You get frustrated when you fail, but only because you're so eager to be able to do all the things Spencer can do.

Hey_broFood is your first love. You're never happier than when you're sitting in your high chair with a smorgasbord of finger foods to feast on. You already eat more than your brother at some meals. It shows too – at 1 year, you already weigh 25 pounds.

Other things you love:

  • The Ergo. When I get this carrier out, you go nuts with excitement. You bounce up and down on your knees and start squawking in anticipation.
  • Looking Out the Window. You talk to the people walking down the street and get lots of smiles in return.

  • Your Kitty Cat. You sleep with this stuffed animal and lately you've been putting it under your head as a pillow. Sooo sweet.
  • Music. You've got rhythm and it certainly didn't come from me. You love to dance whenever you hear a beat.
    You've just started walking this week.

 You can take 5 or 6 steps now before you topple over. You look up expectantly when you fall, waiting for us to clap for you. You love the spotlight! 

Family It's been a great year, my baby. I'm getting emotional writing this post. I haven't really taken the time to reflect on the significance of your birthday, but it's a biggie. No more babies for me. This year has flown by and the years are just going to keep flying by. I'm going to try to do a better job of taking it all in. Our life is kind of crazy right now – hectic would be too subtle a term to describe it – but I'm going to look back when it's gone and miss all this frenetic energy.

Much love, sweetie. Thanks for all the laughs, love, and smiles you've brought to our lives.

Mom ❤