Dear Owen: Month 8

Has it only been a month since my last update? It feels like much longer. We've survived the stomach flu and you've made some big developmental leaps.  As predicted, we have motion:

Each day, your crawling motion is getting a little smoother and little faster and little more frightening. I'm not ready for this! You also seem to be a climber, something we never had to worry about with Spencer. You try to pull yourself up on everything you can get your hands on.

Being able to crawl really makes you seem older. You don't seem like quite so much of a baby anymore. I'm getting whiffs of the boy you're going to become.

You're still pretty chill, but have learned the effects of crying and use it to your advantage. You act like taking a nap is an absolute injustice: "But, mom I want to keep playing and crawling forevvvver!"

Your favorite toys are the TV remote control, my iPhone, and Spencer's Bob the Builder lego toy. You get into whatever your brother is playing with – grabbing his toys, disassembling his puzzles, and generally driving him a little crazy. Still, Spencer has a lot of patience with you despite being a generally impatient 3-year-old. He lets you hold Bob and offers to get you toys to keep you busy.

We visited the urologist last week to check on your kidneys. The ultrasound revealed no damage and good growth. Yay! Now we're going to wait until September to do the VCUG (sorry in advance – I wish you didn't have to go through it again!) to see how things are healing, but it's a good sign that your kidneys look good and no infections.

What's up next? I'm still waiting for you to say "mama". It's all "dada, dada, dada". We're going to have to try finger foods this month. I gave you a cheerio last week, but I couldn't handle watching you gag on it. Choking on food makes me extremely nervous – please take it easy on your mama.

Love you cutie pie!
