5 Days Without Cable

And I'm still alive. Seriously. It's a miracle. Just one major breakdown. A couple minor breakdowns. 12 hours spent either directly or indirectly trying to get our cable fixed. Then another 2 hours trying to cancel our cable. Then another hour making an appointment to hook up satellite TV because I really do need my TV. And I really do need Noggin to be a good parent.

Ok, so it's probably not the TV I need. I could learn other ways to relax if I really had to, but I don't have the energy to do that right now. Last week was one of those weeks that took everything I had to get through it. I wasn't sleeping well (pregnancy induced insomnia?), our nanny was out sick all week so we were scrambling to find childcare, I needed to get things ready for a big board meeting at work because I need to keep my job and all the home repair/moving stuff was catching up to us (too much!). I came home Thursday night ready to relax in front of the TV, celebrate the end of the work week with a near beer, Tina Fey, and a brownie (or two or three). Instead I spent 2 hours on the phone with dumbos at the cable company who couldn't fix my cable. And then I had my big breakdown because damn it, life's not fair! Waaaaaah!

More things that aren't fair:

– I haven't taken a single photo of this pregnancy. Last time I was documenting every month of belly growth. And since I can't find the charger for the camera's battery, this belly is in danger of not being photographed ever.

– Monday and Tuesday I'm going on a staycation. Hubby and I are taking off these days and keeping the nanny. This is not fair for me to tell you because now you're going to be jealous. I think one day I want to plant myself at the movie theater with popcorn and gummy bears and watch multiple films. I'll only break for lunch and a little light shopping. The other day I might get a hotel room and lie in bed, snoozing, watching movies, and ordering room service. Told ya you'd be jealous.

What a 2.3 year old is like

* He told me this weekend that he "doesn't want to take no more baths EVER!"

* He loves my pregnancy pillow. We call it the "snake" and he cuddles up inside it.

* His favorite toys right now are his stuffed polar bear, the Mr. Potato Head construction hat, and his train Sir Handel.

* He calls my Kindle my "pocketbook". So clever.

* He has an uncanny ability to wake up every morning at exactly 7am.

* We had pipe leak last week and now he likes to show everyone who comes over where the water fell down from the ceiling.

* He wants things done in the proper way. This morning he scolded me for not putting the lid back on the butter after I buttered his toast.

* He says things like "that's so interesting" and "oh my gosh".

* He'll remember all the characters' names in a cartoon after watching it just one time.

* He says hi to the baby in my belly then lifts his shirt to show me the baby in his belly.

* He asks to see "other kids" all the time. He loves to socialize.



Wanna know a little secret? I'm finishing lunch at my desk right now then I'm heading out to get a pedicure. I've wanted one for weeks, but with the packing then the moving then the amnio then the unpacking, I just haven't made the time for it. Seize the day! (Or at least the lunch hour!)

Life feels a little more normal this week. I'm still sleeping on a mattress on the floor and getting dressed out of a suitcase (or more usually the pile of dirty clothes on the floor), but otherwise things are more or less back to normal.

I'm going to make an effort to start focusing more on my pregnancy now – I feel like the first half went by in a flash and the second half will be gone before I know it. Since we're planning for this to be my last pregnancy, I feel like I should pay more attention to it. Maybe not enjoy it (though who knows?), but at least be aware of it and appreciative of it. In this newfound spirit of awareness, you should all know that this baby LOVES glazed donuts and my tailbone hurts like a mother%$#*%$&!

In other news, Spencer is still freakin' adorable:
