Any excuse for cupcakes

Spence turned 6 months old yesterday! Some days it feels like we’ve known him forever and it’s hard to remember life before him. Yet other days I still feel like such a neophyte – unsure of myself while stumbling and bumbling through parenthood.

We marked the occasion with cupcakes for the "big kids" and Spence got a special treat – prunes. Yum. (Trust me, he’ll thank me for this given his recent "issues".)

New things this month:

– The biggest change is he started eating solids. We started with rice cereal and have been adding in fruits and veggies. He LOVES food. He hasn’t made a face or refused anything. He’s tried sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, apples, and prunes. He just gobbles it all down. He even grabs the spoon and tries to feed himself. It’s super messy, but lots of fun to watch him.

– Actually, this might be the BIGGEST change because it affects the entire family. He’s sleeping in his crib at night. It’s only been 1 week and 1 day so I don’t want to declare victory yet, but he really seems to like sleeping in his crib and we all seem to be getting some more sleep. It’s still difficult to get him to fall asleep some nights. And he still wakes up more often than we like, but it’s a major step forward and it went better than we had expected.

– He outgrew his dairy allergy. We moved from soy formula, to hypoallergenic milk-based formula, to full milk formula. He is doing great with the milk now. And mama is free to eat anything her heart desires!

– His hair is growing in (again). He has more hair and longer hair than ever before. It really makes him seem older. I love rubbing his head and feeling his soft hair.

– He is almost sitting up on his own. When he’s on his back he reaches forward and tries to lift himself up (working out those abs just like his mama. NOT!). When we sit him up, he can balance for a few seconds before falling over to the side. I’ve been surrounding him with pillows and letting him experiment with his balance.

– Still no teeth! The teething will never end. These teeth have been just below the gums for over a month, but they just won’t break through the gums.

– Out with the old and in with the new. The vibrating seat, infant car seat, and bumbo all have gone into storage. They’ve been replaced with a convertible car seat and a booster seat (instead of a high chair to save space.) Every time we make the journey down to storage I get a little choked up. My little boy is growing up SO fast.

How his mama’s doing:

Well, I made it 6 months. Each week comes with new challenges and new rewards. I was sick for the first time this week. Working + taking care of baby + trying to take care of myself is difficult to say the least.

– I’ve begun the weaning process. I’m only pumping twice a day now and not doing any night feedings. My breast pump broke last night AGAIN, so that may speed up the weaning process a bit. I still have mixed feelings emotionally about it. I feel guilty about my decision, not matter how I try to rationalize my decision. I don’t think that will go away. But, it’s been lovely having my husband get up to help with the night wakings the last few nights, especially since I’ve been under the weather.

– Speaking of husbands. I’m so grateful to have his help. He really, really makes this all doable. He’s such a huge help. He approaches parenting like we’re equals which I appreciate more and more as I see how other fathers sometimes act like it’s the mother’s job to take care of the kids and they are only around for play time. Ian’s there for the good and the bad. He jumps out of bed at night when he hears the crying and is willing to pace endlessly with Spencer in his arms trying to get him to fall asleep at night.

– Emotionally I feel good. Sometimes the lack of sleep and the stress of keeping it all together gets to me. But overall, I can honestly say that I’m happier than I can remember being. Ever. Plus, Spencer seems to have this instinct to smile at all the right times. Whenever Ian or I am having a bad time, Spencer seems to give us a big grin out of nowhere and it immediately lifts our spirits.

– Physically I still haven’t yet motivated myself to start exercising or dieting to lose the last 10 pounds. I went dress shopping this weekend and it was horrifying. I hated how I looked in everything. The boobs look saggy.  The midsection rolls stick out. The legs are lined with spider veins. It should have motivated me to do something about it, but instead I bought cupcakes. Which brings me back to the point of this post…

Happy Half-Birthday Spence! I love you so much and you’re worth every minute of that excruciating time I spent in the dressing room on Saturday.!   

How many calories…

…do you think you burn dancing to "classics" while holding a 20-ish pound baby?

We just bounced and bumped and squatted to:

Marky Mark’s Good Vibrations
B-52’s Rock Lobster (complete with several "Down, down’s"
Weezer’s Bevery Hills

Yes, I’m sweating.
No, I don’t own all those songs. Just one of them. Music was courtesy the Music Choice channels on the TV. That cable box is full of wonders. What more entertainment does a girl need?

Learning how to share

Let me start out by saying that we have a great nanny taking care of Spencer. She’s thoughtful, knowledgeable, and kind. We really lucked out.

I wish I could just relax and be happy that I have great childcare. But, having someone care for your child – even when they are as fantastic as she is – is just not easy. I sometimes feel tension, even competitiveness between us.

Now mind you, we’re talking about little things here. Inconsequential things, really. Like one time she asked me to buy a bottle warmer so she could carry warm bottles when they go for outings. I was happy to buy one, but when I showed her, it wasn’t the kind she wanted. She tried it for a day and told me it wasn’t going to work. A perfectly rational person would not take this personally. But, of course I did. Just a little bit. Well, maybe more than a little bit. I felt like somehow I failed as a mother by buying the wrong bottle carrier. And that perhaps she is somehow "better" at this than I am.

Other times I feel like she’s passing judgment on me. That I don’t clean his toys often enough. That I should breastfeed longer. That I don’t dress him warm enough. I sense these things. She never actually says them. Probably I’m just projecting guilt onto myself.

A rational person would just be thankful to have somebody with so much experience caring for her child. She’s been doing this for more than 20 years and has grown kids of her own. She’s been around the block a few times. And I appreciate the nuggets of parenting knowledge she’s able to pass down to us.

But, I’m not a rational person right now. I try to just be thankful and appreciative, but instead I’m a guilt-ridden, over-tired, jealous working mother who wants to be the one taking her son to the zoo for the first time.  I want to be the best. I want to be the one to receive all those precious smiles. It’s hard to share your baby.

Notes From the Blubber Belly

No, it’s not a new tv show about post partum mothers (though I am kind of enjoying Notes from the Under Belly – are you watching?).   

It’s just a bulleted baby update from me.

  • As I oh-so-subtlely alluded to earlier, we made the transition to put Spencer to sleep in his crib at night in his own room. He’s been doing amazingly well with it – we all seem to be sleeping better now. Last night he woke up once at 2:30 and I fed him then he slept until 5:30. The night before he didn’t wake up at all. We I made the rule that before 5, we have to try to get him back to sleep in his crib. After 5, he can come into bed with us.

    I thought it would be a more difficult transition for both of us, but it really hasn’t been. I keep the monitor on next to my bed even though he is sleeping about 2 feet from me (though on the other side of the wall) and I can hear him without it. It just makes me feel better to have it on.

  • The weaning has officially begun after much soul searching and guilt tripping. I’m not really sure how fast or slow to wean. Everything I find online is about weaning a baby that needs to adjust to a bottle, but Spencer prefers the bottle and doesn’t care if there’s breastmilk or formula in it, so I can’t take my cues from him. There doesn’t seem to be much info for how a pumping mom weans. I’m basically just eliminating one pumping session per day this week. Next week I was thinking of dropping another and so on until I’m just down to the nighttime nursing.
  • Spencer loves solid food. So far we’ve tried sweet potatoes, peas, and carrots. He loves them all. I’m making homemade food for him. It’s easy to do (so far at least) and I think it helps me emotionally feel connected since I’m weaning him.
  • I had a burrito for lunch today. With cheese. And sour cream. The dairy is back in full effect, baby!!!

You get my point – right?

An exciting thing happened in our home this past weekend. It involved sufficiently long uninterrupted periods of sleep, which for the first time in 5 months, 3 weeks, and 1 day didn’t all happen in the same queen-sized bed. This particular variety of sleep also did not involve little feet in my ribs or getting head-butted upon roll over maneuvers. I’d tell you more but I fear a hex by the parenting gods.

This development plus the amazing bout of spring weather we’ve been having have put me in a jolly mood despite the fact that it’s Monday morning!

When is enough enough?

Next week Spencer will be 6 months old. (!!) My goal with breastfeeding has always been to make it 6 months. I never thought it would come, and yet now that it’s here I’m not sure I want to stop. Besides the obvious issue of "What the heck will I blog about besides my boobs?", I am really torn on this one.

Part of me says I should start weaning on April 29 – exactly 6 months. That was my goal. I made it. Celebrate my success and don’t look back. If I go one day past, then it begs the question of "Why stop now? Why not give him a little more? It’s the best for him." The guilt starts creeping in.

It feels a bit artificial to just stop because he reached some magical age. But, it’s going to happen at some point anyhow. The selfish side of me wants a break. I want to consume copious amounts of coffee to stay alert during the day. I don’t want to go late to meetings because I had to fit in a pumping session. I don’t want to wear milk-stained clothes anymore. I want to be able to button my shirts again. I want to wear pretty bras. I don’t want to carry a cooler of milk on the subway every day. I don’t want to worry about my supply anymore.

I know this is a very personal decision, but I’m interested to hear how others knew it was time to wean.


Re-designing my blog was one of those things that I thought I was going to accomplish during my maternity leave. (Ha Ha Ha. I was so naive back then.) But, now that I’m back at work I have plenty of time for these frivolous niceties.

So, I went a little crazy over my lunch hour today. Is it too bright? Honest opinions. Like I said, I did it over my lunch break and there’s always time with tomorrow’s turkey sandwich (and cookies) to tone it down!

The Weight Wait

Yesterday I got a physical for life insurance and the nurse brought this magical scale to my apartment. I stepped on it and it displayed a weight that is a full 10 pounds less than my "real" weight. I didn’t argue with the scale and wondered if maybe somehow I had really lost 10 pounds in the past week and hadn’t realized it.

A few hours later when I crammed myself into my tight jeans then examined the spare tire hanging over the top of them, I knew the truth was that the scale had lied and I was still hanging on to that extra 10 pounds. But, just in case — and because my arms were looking a bit skinnier — I got out our scale to verify the fact that weight doesn’t just disappear.

I gained almost 50 pounds during my pregnancy and luckily 40 pounds of it went away with little effort on my part. The no dairy diet definitely helped things along, but now that I’m reintroducing dairy into my diet, I’m scared. I’m scared because I have NO self-control. Zero. Zilch. Saturday I ate half a container of Fudge Stripe cookies then laid in bed for an hour because I felt ill. But, you know what? If you bought another package of those cookies and put them on my desk right now I’d probably do the same thing again. Because I just can’t stop myself.

I’m definitely a stress eater and parenting is stressful (shocker – right?). So, what can I do instead of eating insane amounts of junk food to calm myself? I am considering going to Weight Watchers because I’ve had success there in the past. I found their program to be a bit like a game – how can I use those points in the best way possible without going over? – and the competitive side of me didn’t want to go and get weighed in and see a gain on the scale. I might lose the last 10 pounds and get back on track with portion control.

But, honestly it seems a little too difficult right now. Maybe I haven’t reached my low point yet emotionally about the weight. Maybe my newfound freedom to eat chocolate and other yummy treats is just a temporary thing. Get it out of my system and go back to fruits and veggies? Yea, right.