Dear Owen: Month 9

IMG_1734 So, this is technically 9.5 months, but who's counting. Not you. Not yet. But you are MOTORING! Holy cow, can you get around. You see something, like for instance an open bathroom door or an open gate at the top of the stairs, and you're off to the races.

And when you're not crawling, you're standing.  You pull yourself up on everything. I remember your brother wasn't walking yet at his first birthday, but I'm pretty sure you will be.


At the doctor this month, you weighed in at 22 pounds, continuing to hold your spot at the top of the growth chart. I got scolded for not giving you more finger foods yet, so that's my mission this month. So far, you're just not a fan, but I know you will be. 

You talk and smile and laugh all day long. You brighten up the household with your beautiful disposition. I want to bottle up your nature and drink it all day, every day. Yes, I love you that much. Never change, my sweet, sweet boy.