Back in Biz

I started blogging 6 years ago. It was mostly to document my first pregnancy for friends and family, but eventually grew into something more. A personal journal, a sounding board, a friend finder, a connection to my feelings, a connection to others.

It’s been a few years since I blogged consistently. I built a blogging platform, employed a team of writers and editors and suddenly my work and my pastime felt too close together. Lines were blurred. Blogging was for work, not for me-time and I stopped.

But, lately I feel like life is passing me by and I’m not stopping to take time to reflect and just notice life. My pledge to myself is to start blogging again. Write or photograph something every day that sparks my creative engine or slows me down to think.

Today this photo made me stop and smile. And then stop and smile again each time I passed the photographer’s envelope on the table.



School photos are usually so blah, but this is not blah at all. This photo captures Owen’s personality completely. The smile. The gleam in the eye. If you could scan down you’d see he’s wearing a batman shirt and a purple cast. He’s one of a kind and I’m so glad he’s mine.